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gosanangelocom San Angelo Standard-Times Saturday April 21 2007 7C CROSSWORD puzzle Getting perspective from Friday's PuzxteSoiwd (C07Tiim Mm Sanaa mm Miytmal By SETH BORENSTEIN The Associated Pick When astronauts return from space what they talk about the brute force cf the rocket launch or the exhilaration of zero gravity view It's mankind's rarest view of all Earth from afar Only two dozen men those who Journeyed to the moon have seen the hill Earth view Most space travelers in low orbit see only a piece of the planet a lesser but still Impressive glimpse They have seen the curvature of Earth its magnificent beauty Its fragility and its lack of borders The first frill view of Earth came from the moon-bound Apollo 8 during the waning days of a chaotic 1968 Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders put it in perspective in a documentary: came all this way to explore the moon and the most Important thing is that we discovered the Some of the photos Anders took were used on posters and pins on the first Earth Day in 1970 been environmental staple of Earth Days ever said Denis Edited by Wayne Robert Williams ACROSS 1 Approaching the end 8 Any man 15 Mis Roosevelt 16 Inscribe 17 City in Fennsyfva-nis 18 Governments in power 19 Agronomist's concern 20 Japanese metropolis 22 Grime 23 Bring into harmony 24 Become permanent 25 Units of work 26 Has the lead 28 Tip 29 Hindu garment 30 Peace offerings 33 Com serving 35 Pentagon grpi 36 Harris andAsner 39 Risked sum 40 Arch 41 Religious dread 42 Potpie veggie 43 Theater sign tetters 44 Musher ride 46 Damage 48 Junkyard dog 50 Feudal workers 54 Sharp side 55 Needle cases 58 Hay unit 59 Honey drink 60 Fort Knos unit 61 Type of rain or test 62 Subjugate totally 64 Honking AP PHOTO COURTESY OF EARTH SCIENCES AND IMAGE ANALYSIS LABORATORY NASA JOHNSON SPACE CENTER 66 Used purchases 67 Pasta preference 68 Those who worship 69 Prescient woman DOWN 1 Banquets 2 Wholehearted 3 Eyebal membrane 4 London lockup staff 5 Lennon's love 6 Childhood taboos 7 Backspace over 8 Fits and starts 9 Everybody 10 Omelet necessity 11 Dracula's conquests 12 City southeast of Los Angeles 13 Become loo lush 14 Leonard Bern- This photo released by NASA shows a sunburst view of the space shuttle's robot arm over a doudy Earth taken June 1( 1996 during a flight of space shuttle Endeavour Mother poses problem for business I Hayes the first Earth Day coordinator Earth Day is Sunday The Associated Press asked Dear Abby By Jeanne Philtips there are updates we should make but we can't do it as long as we are paying Mom at the level we are on top of the money for the buy-out Daughters Dearest Dear Daughters: You do indeed have a problem one that should be handled with the utmost diplomacy Because your mother is an intelligent businesswoman she must be a part of this decision Schedule a business meeting between the three of you and put the budget on the table for discussion with the updates that need to be made Ideally she will recognize the dilemma and suggest the cutback herself If your mother foils to reduce her salary for the good of the company begin "planting about how nice it would be to have time to devote to charity and how much she has to offer volun- stein's Story 21 Goddess of crimi-nal folly 27 Weepy gasps 31 Seerofasort 32 Bravery 34 Den breads 36 Short-lived things 37 Muffled 38 Calm area of the Atlantic 45 Verbal combatant 47 Appletke fruit 49 Floor covering 51 dramatist 52 Spark-making pteces of quartz 53 Marsh grasses 56Teensybits 57 Pilfered 63 Tavern quaff 65 to Billie Joe THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Hand Arnold and Mika Argtrlon Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer as suggested by the above cartoon 02007 Puzzles by Pappocom Scranton PA Unscramble these tour Jumbles one letter to each square to term four ordinary words space could see in the universe We're living on a tiny little dust mote in left field on a rather insignificant galaxy And basically this is it for humans It strikes me that a shame that squabbling over oil and Anders Apollo 8 whose photos of Earth became famous think you go to space and not be changed in many ways "All of the teachings of the Bible that talk about the ere- ator and his creation take on new meaning when you can view the details of the Earth from that perspective So it change my faith per se the content of it but it Just enhanced it it made it even more real" Williams spent six months on the space station and set a record for most Earth photos taken left Earth three times I found no place else to go Please take care of Spaceship Schirra who flew around Earth on Mercury Gemini and Apollo missions In the 1960s My husband says 1 should 1 just walk away but his mother Is easily offended and I don't want to be rude When I go to the market or wherever she wants to accompany me so there Is never any respite! I tell myself it's only two weeks a year but a day with her feels like an eternity Why does she do this and what can I do? Help! to Death in Eugene Ore Dear Talked to Death: Compulsive talking can be a nervous habit a sign of Insecurity or an attempt to control In your mother-in-law's 1 case It could also be because for two weeks a year she has someone to talk to You're right about one thing: At this late date she's not going to change Because her visits are so stressful ask your doctor for advice on how to alleviate the stress Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren also known as Jeanne Phillips and was found-ad by her mother Pauline Phillips Write Dear Abby at wwwlDc arAJjbycom or Box (9444 Los Angeles CA 90069 but funny I i Janice Beaver of Monu- ment Cola said "I have a miniature poodle that I named: Shasta because she hasta be fed and she hasta be house- broken etc" Meow and woof to one and all for sharing these cute names Dear Readers: Mrs Colessus Lyons of Fort Wayne Ind sent a photo of her dog a Japanese Chin named Kabukl who is pranc-1 ing around the living room He is black and white and cute as a bug Mrs Lyons says: "His name means male dancer' We gave our dog this name because he prances when he walks" To see him go to my Web site Heloisecom and dick on Pet of theWieek find Kabuki there! Contact Heloise at P0 Box 795004 San Antonia TX 78279-5000 nr HeloiseCHcloiscxoni ed in return CAPRICORN (Dec 22 Jan 19): Go over potential investments Unique enterprises or attending a tradeshow that interests you will all help lead you in a profitable direction You are overdue for a personal change Update your appearance AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feh 18): Now more than ever you need to be honest with the people around you If you are true to the ones who care you will be more apt to stick to your promises and your plans This is a great day to reverse something you did in the past PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Take on a challenge hut be prepared to be a good loser Someone may try to confuse you by sending you mixed messages be afraid to boldly ask pertinent questions if you want a straight answer 02007 Mutt Mad Snon Inc RMthiiRmoMd not only appropriate space travelers to recall what it's like to see Earth from above: was the only color we teerism (It's the truth) Research volunteer opportunities in your area and perhaps even talk to some volunteer organizations about recruiting your mother When she realizes how interesting and fulfilling these activities can be encourage her to reduce her hours at work to enable her to contribute to the community Good luck Dear Abby: My mother-in-law is coming soon for her annual two-week visit and my nightmares about it have already begun She Is 78 years young sweet and nonjudg-mentaL The problem is she talks nonstop about people we have never met When we Introduce her to friends she continues story after story about people who are of Interest only to her She knows what she's doing because shell say "Poor thing I've gabbed your ear off" but she keeps talking My mother-in-law lives alone So do a lot of people Including my own mother hut no one talks as Incessantly as she does monopolized conversations for years so It can't be her age Colorado Springs Cola says: is a person I work with who has two German shepherds Their names are Mick and Jaeger What a hoot to hear her calling them 'Mick Jaeger' Carol Veliotls via fox says: "We have a female Jack Russell terrier from Atlanta Piet Rescue She had been lost attacked adopted rejected and who knows what else So after all that we named her Zena the Terrier Warrior Princess" Heather via e-mail said: "We found our cat under an old train car that happens to be the sheriff's office We chose to name our cat after that location If we get another cat we will name it Deputy" Nancy Baskette of Benton Tenn said named our female cat Casper because she is solid white and showed up on my windowsill in the middle of the night" LIBRA (Sept 23ct 22): If there is something you want to da follow through even if a personal matter is bothering you Find a way to have flin and forget about your worries Romantic opportunities are present but avoid married partners or two-timing SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Money issues can be resolved Collect old debts or apply for a grant or loan that will help you invest in something you believe in Real estate deals look very inviting and changes in your home will help you far more than you ever imagined SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 Dec 21): Not everyone will like what you are doing or agree with you Back up and consider that it can be very lonely at the top Rethink how you have been treating others and how you want to be treat MOT mm com 2007 Universal Pres Syndicate Dear Abby: Twenty years ago my sister and I bought a business from our mother We all love and respect one another and get along well We will be finished paying off the business in two years Our problem: Mom who Is now 77 still draws a salary from us above and beyond the payment for the business Her workload has lessened greatly as it should She could do all of her work In one day and lessen the burden of her salary However she says she'd "go crazy" if she retired We don't want that She could still come In as often as she wants and do her personal paperwork banking letter writing reading etc These are all things she does at "work" on the dock If we try to discuss this Mom gets hurt and says "Just let me know when Pm not worth the money" We don't want to do that We would hope she would see the fairness of this and suggest it herself Business expenses are going through the roof and Pet names 2007 by King Features Syndkate Inc Dear Readers: Here is our second Installment of unusual or funny pet names The first column was so much fun to put together we thought we would do anothec So read on fur a chuckle or two: Drenn Workman via e-mail said: "Chainsaw Is our cat Aptly named due to the expert use of his Kim via e-mail said: "We have a year-old yellow Lab that has stayed very light In color Since we are big snowmobilers on the way home from a trip we decided to name him Donna Browne via e-mail sakk have a beautiful gray male cat that I got recently I named him Kal King CoaL" Judy Castellini via e-maU said: "My brother Jim had a cat with all four paws double-toed (polydactyl) He named him 4-Wheel Drive 1 DAILY horoscope 2007 Universal Pieu Syndkate ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your life philosophy is reflecting what you have experienced and what you know you need to do in the fiiture Questioning is good and will help you make the right choices It's time to let go of the past and update your lift TAURUS (April 20-May 20): i The responsibilities that I someone else is demanding of you may not be realistic or necessary You have to say no even if someone tries to make you feel guilty You should be working on your own profits and projects GEMINI (May 21 June 20): Anger or taking aggressive i action must be avoided You I have to keep your thoughts to yourself and work quietly on i your own As soon as you have to deal with others expect Y'Tl (Answers Monday) Jumbles: MAUVE PUTTY ROBBER DEADLY What he did while he Kstened to the basebal game DROVE HER Answer: MssterdayS suldojku Heloise -i always thought that was an original The Rev George Limmer via e-mail says: "I have a toy-size apricot poodle that Is officially named Winnie the Pooh(dle) All the children at my school and church just love her and her name" Diana Huth of New Hope Pa said: "My son and daughter-in-law are regularly adopting abandoned Injured andor neglected animals of various sorts She always comes up with very clever names for them such as for a three-legged cat They had to choose between calling it Eileen (I lean) or Peggy (fin: peg-legged) Peggy Si Karol Blasczynski of BY EUGENIA LAST chaos and bickering Traditional methods will bring the most returns CANCER (June 21 July 22): Make a decision as to what you want to do with the rest of your life Question your cun rent position as well as what you enjoy doing the most Make today the first day of the rest of your life LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Entertaining will be your thing and the more you do to complement others the more support you will drum up fix: fiiture use You may find yourself partnering with someone who can combine their skills with yours VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22X Avoid overindulgence and overspending Sudden changes regarding a current relationship will leave you questioning what you will do next You may want to consider making a move MEDIUM How to solve Fill in the grid so that every row every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9 Yesterdays solution appears at left Solution bp and computer program at Sudokucom.
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